Smart LED light bulb Luc - EN

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Congratulations on the purchase of the smart LED light bulb Luc! We ask that you carefully read the following instruction manual and follow it when using the product for the first time.

1. Installation

To use the smart LED light bulb Luc you need a Luc remote control. The remote control is a unique gadget that can control up to 16 light bulbs at a time and it works without requiring your phone, cables, electricity or any special settings.

  • Screw the LED light bulb Luc into your selected lamp or bulb socket.
  • Using the electrical switch, turn the light bulb on and then off again. Within 1 to 3 seconds after turning it off press one of the 4 groups on the remote control (buttons 1 to 4). This will assign it to the selected group.
  • If the process was successful the green light on the remote control will blink 3 times. You can add up to four bulbs to each of the four groups, which means you can control up to 16 light bulbs at a time with one remote control.

2. Functions

On and Off

Using the power button (located on the top left) you can turn off or on all the light bulbs in all groups at once. To turn on only one group of bulbs simply select the corresponding number of the group (buttons 1 to 4). To turn the group off click on the circle located under the number button.

Change color automatically

You can use the color change button (button Mod) to select any of the preset auto-color settings that cause the light color to change at different time intervals.

Color temperature settings

Use the light temperature button (arrows button) to set cooler white or warmer yellow light.

Adjusting brightness

Use the brightness button to change the desired light intensity.

Changing the LED color

Using the color circle (located on top), touch or scroll to select the desired light.

3. Specifications

  • LED light bulb
  • RGB color circle to set the desired color
  • Uses 6 times less power than a classic light bulb
  • Complete control of your lights
  • Possible to set specific color and brightness settings for each individual lamp, room or entire home
  • Set settings according to time of day, your mood or for a special occasion
  • Ideal for dinners, creating a cinematic mood,parties, kids
  • Manufacturers official site:

4. Safety notices

  • Product is compliant with the RoHS, WEE and CE directives.
  • The symbol on the side (crossed out trash bin) warns the product must not be disposed alongside other household waste, but should be disposed of at a collection center. The list of collection centers is provided to you by your public waste disposal service.
  • During charging the product may emit heat. While it may get warm it should never get too hot.
  • Do not leave the device in places where the temperature may exceed 45°C.
  • When exposed to excessive temperatures, the lifetime of the device may be reduced.
  • If the product gets wet, stop using the product immediately and dry it thoroughly.
  • Beware of excessive drops, dents, holes and deformations.
  • Do not open or repair the damaged product.
  • If uncertain how to proceed, please turn off the device and contact our support.

Navodila za recikliranje in odlaganje

Ta oznaka pomeni, da izdelka po vsej EU ni dovoljeno odvreči med ostalegospodinjske odpadke. Za preprečevanje morebitne škode za okolje ali zdravje ljudi zaradi nenadzorovanega odlaganja odpadkov odgovorno reciklirajte in stem spodbujajte trajnostno uporabo materialnih virov. Če želite uporabljeno napravovrniti, uporabite sistem za vračilo ali kontaktirajte prodajalca, kjer ste napravo kupili. Prodajalec lahko napravo reciklira na okolju prijazen način

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izjavljamo, da je proizvod

Smart LED light bulb Luc - EN
skladen z Direktivo 2014/53/EU.

Kontakt prodajalca:

INFO številka

041 736 736

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